2025 Tickets

BBS25 will comprise of a two day summit, followed by a day of nature based activities. Get an exclusive discount on your tickets to the Better Business Summit by joining the Better Business Network now as BBN Members will always get a discounted rate.

A diverse range of subjects fit into our main theme of 2025, but we’re going to have a particular emphasis on Food, Fashion and the Future of Business. Hear from incredible experts from organisations and brands at the forefront of impact, including names like Patagonia, TOMS, Dryrobe, Earth Law Centre, Nudie Jeans, 1% for the Planet, Swizzels, Re-Action Collective and so many more!

Attendees have refreshments throughout the day, a hot two course plant based lunch as well as an invitation to our breakfast and evening networking events.

For those who are travelling and staying in Manchester for the conference, we have secured a 20% discount on hotel bookings for attendees of BBS25 at the Leonardo Central hotel using code EVENT20 at checkout.

TICKETS SELLING FAST - don’t wait around… If you require additional assistance, or want to request a pay what you can ticket or invoice through your business please use this contact form.